The shocking statin side effects your doctor is hiding from you

I’m convinced that many years from now, mainstream medicine will look back on our era and point out that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs was the most pervasive medical scam ever perpetrated on the public.

I’d compare statins to snake oil, except the original snake oil salesmen peddled a product that actually contained some healthful compounds — including omega-3 fatty acids…

That’s right — you’d literally be better off using snake oil than a statin drug.

A few months ago, I told you how researchers play a little trick with numbers to make statins look far more effective than they actually are.

Today, we’ll take a closer look at the shameful ways of the statin industry and exactly why they’re harmful to your health. And I won’t be talking about the simple side effects like headaches, insomnia, or dizziness that statins cause some users. I’ll be discussing the grave disorders and diseases these drugs have inflicted on millions… and why you should avoid them at all costs.

Needless suffering and a mystery solved

One of the most stunning characteristics of statin drugs is the way research has gradually revealed the dangerous drawbacks of this class of drugs.

I’ll tell you about some of these problems in a moment. But first we’ll look at the newest health condition linked to statin use: psoriasis.

Recently, a reader wrote to The People’s Pharmacy® to share his experience that began soon after he started using Lipitor (atorvastatin). Open lesions of psoriasis broke out on his hands and feet. He says, “Bathing was sheer agony and I could barely walk.”

Meanwhile, his cardiologist and dermatologist assured him that psoriasis was certainly not a statin side effect. He wasn’t so sure about that, and a quick Google search turned up a case report linking statin use to psoriasis. When he contacted Pfizer (manufacturer of Lipitor), they referred him to the case study he’d already found.

He immediately stopped taking Lipitor and his psoriasis started to improve. He says, “I suffered needlessly for a year and a half just because my physicians didn’t know about this adverse reaction.”

In The People’s Pharmacy® reply, they note that psoriasis is not listed as a Lipitor side effect, which is why the doctors were unaware. And they add: “You really cannot blame them if the FDA and the drug company did not recognize this as a drug complication.”

I strongly disagree.

Yes, psoriasis is apparently a rare reaction, and yes, these issues take time to emerge. But the patient confirmed his suspicion himself simply by searching online and going to the trouble of contacting Pfizer. That’s exactly what his doctors should have done.

And they absolutely should’ve known to do that with a drug like Lipitor, because this drug and all other statin drugs have an appalling reputation. For more than two decades, new side effects have kept cropping up as the list of precautions gets longer and longer.

So if his doctors didn’t know about the psoriasis link, they should’ve strongly suspected something was up the minute their patient said, “I take a statin and I think it’s causing a problem.” (The same exact words uttered by the millions of patients before him.)

The list that keeps on growing

If all of Lipitor’s currently known side effects were confirmed when Pfizer was first seeking approval for the drug, I think even the industry-friendly FDA would’ve balked at the dangers. Yes, it’s that bad!

And if you’re unfamiliar with the long list of ways that statins can torture a patient, hang on to your hat. It’s quite shocking.

Dr. Marc Micozzi has outlined the definitive catalog of statin drugs’ worst effects, which he discusses in his Heart Attack Prevention & Repair Protocol. At the top of the list for worst side effects? It’s a big one… heart disease.

Dr. Micozzi: “Yes, the very drug intended to prevent heart disease actually causes it! Amazingly, a recent study linked ‘high-intensity’ statin drug use with accelerated rates of calcification of both the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart, and the aorta, which supplies blood to the rest of the body. This kind of arteriosclerotic abnormality greatly contributes to heart disease, stroke, and all-cause death rates. That’s right, death.”

Next up — another leading killer disease: type 2 diabetes.

This side effect emerged slowly, probably because medical professionals just didn’t want to believe it. But now it’s stamped with an official FDA-mandated warning. And the link between Lipitor and type 2 diabetes is solid. One study revealed a nearly four-fold boost of diabetes risk in patients who faithfully took the drug over many years. And in another trial, people who took the drug for six years had an 87 percent higher risk of developing diabetes — the longer you take it, the greater the risk.

Could it get any worse? It sure could! Dr. Miccozi: “A study shows that statin users are 250 percent more likely to develop all the long-term complications of type 2 diabetes — including eye disease, kidney function, and peripheral nerve disease.”

Fuzzy thoughts and achy muscles

Among the very first known side effects of statins was muscle pain. For some, this was only a mild problem, while others found it excruciating. Eventually, researchers came to realize that the pain was actually a symptom. The true side effect that causes the pain is much worse: muscle damage.

That’s a terrible condition for seniors, but it pales in comparison to one of the most frightening statin side effects: memory loss and confusion.

Dr. Micozzi notes that in one major study, memory loss was the second most common statin side effect after muscle pain. And he adds: “In a Wall Street Journal article, a doctor from New York Presbyterian Hospital talked about a patient in her 40s who couldn’t concentrate or recall words. But when the woman stopped taking Lipitor, her symptoms vanished. And when she resumed taking Lipitor, they returned.”

The sad irony in the memory loss side effect is that seniors shouldn’t be taking statins in the first place. Dr. Micozzi explains, “A 2016 review of 70,000 men and women found no link between so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol and heart disease deaths among people over 60. They also found that 92 percent of people with higher cholesterol actually lived longer.”

I’m sorry to say our inventory of well-known statin side effects doesn’t end here. Others problems include:

  • Weight gain
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Liver failure
  • Pancreatic failure
  • Neuropathy
  • Shingles
  • Cataracts
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Kidney damage

And we now add one more: psoriasis. And what’s worse, that’s not even the entirety of the list!

To learn more about protecting yourself from the dangers of statin drugs as well as how to improve your cardiovascular health, refer to Dr. Micozzi’s Heart Attack Prevention & Repair Protocol. You can learn more about this protocol or enroll today by clicking here.


P.S. – I wanted to share with you some exciting new developments from Dr. Micozzi.

This Sunday, February 11th at 3 p.m, he’ll be presenting an in-depth online Cancer Reversal Summit. Dr. Micozzi will reveal facts about cancer and natural treatments you’ll simply never hear from the mainstream medical establishment.




Atorvastatin Side Effects — Is Psoriasis One of Them?

Atorvastatin Side Effects — Is Psoriasis One of Them?
People’s Pharmacy
January 15, 2018