How eating MORE fat can help you dodge a diabetic disaster

Oftentimes, patients with prediabetes get thrown to the wolves by their doctors. And it’s truly unfortunate because this is a highly treatable — and even reversible — condition. One that’s not a disease… at least not yet.

Instead of getting patients back on a path to better health, conventional doctors jump the gun and treat metabolic issues like they’re already a lost cause. And one of the first knee-jerk strategies they employ includes a prescription for one of the many drugs used by millions of type 2 diabetes patients.

This makes perfect sense to conventional doctors. But in reality, it’s wrong…

Dr. Fred Pescatore stresses this point in his Metabolic Repair Protocol. And more importantly, he’s constructed a drug-free plan based on decades of research — one that can get your health back on track so you’ll never have to fill a prescription for diabetes drugs.

Damaging diabetes drugs in disguise

Dr. Pescatore begins by pointing out what your doctor may never mention to you. “Just because there IS a drug, doesn’t mean it is good for you — or that it works.”

He singles out the drug Actos® as an example.

A few years ago, the manufacturer of Actos® sponsored a study to determine if the drug could keep prediabetics from becoming diabetic. And it actually prevented a large percentage of prediabetics from developing the disease.

However, after several years of controversy over whether or not Actos® might cause bladder cancer, a meta-analysis of research released last year confirmed that the risk is very real.

Of course, Actos® remains on the market. The FDA rarely pulls an approved drug for any reason. And Actos® is now off-patent, so inexpensive generic brands are still widely used.

But Actos® is just one among many diabetes drugs that can prompt a multitude of unpleasant side effects, ranging from weight gain and muscle pain to painful urination and flu-like symptoms.

The safest plan for prediabetes treatment

In some cases, Dr. Pescatore is willing to prescribe one (and only one) diabetes drug. And that’s metformin — a medication that’s been proven effective and reasonably safe over its many years of use. However, he refuses to prescribe it for prediabetes treatment.

Instead, he recommends starting with lifestyle changes. Prescription drugs should be a last resort.

He cites a New England Journal of Medicine study that tested metformin against lifestyle changes in a cohort of prediabetics. He reports: “After three years, the lifestyle group was almost twice as likely to avoid type 2 diabetes.”

Going the “lifestyle changes” route — returning to good health by repairing your metabolism — is obviously the preferable choice. But as Dr. Pescatore points out, this approach has its own challenges, particularly when it comes to dietary changes.

The lowdown on low-fat

For instance, he notes that one of the key areas where conventional, mainstream protocols go wrong is with their insistence that a “fat-free” or a “low-fat” diet will bring your metabolism in line and control blood sugar.

Dr. Pescatore explains how: “When food manufacturers take out fat, they add sugar and other unhealthy ingredients. In addition, low-fat diets can cause sharp drops in your good HDL cholesterol and dangerous spikes in your triglycerides.

“Perhaps worst of all, they don’t contain enough good fat. Fat is extremely important to your body. It actually helps regulate your blood sugar, because fat takes longer for your body to digest.”

And depriving yourself of good fats can be truly damaging, especially since because your body needs them to metabolize fat-soluble vitamins, such as the all-important vitamin D. And over the past 20 years, research has revealed the significance of vitamin D in prevention of cancer, heart disease, and many other chronic conditions.

But what you may not have heard about is the remarkable effect D has in maintaining healthy metabolism. As Dr. Pescatore points out, D is an indispensable anti-inflammatory, and anything that reduces inflammation is a diabetes patient’s best friend.

In addition, many studies reveal a strong link between vitamin D deficiency and sharply increased diabetes risk. In one of these studies, cited by Dr. Pescatore, researchers showed that obese people with low D levels are 32 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to people with adequate levels of the vitamin.

As always, the best vitamin D source is daily exposure to direct sunlight for a few minutes. Since this is nearly impossible for millions of people, especially during the winter, Dr. Pescatore recommends a vitamin D supplement of 10,000 IU daily.

Vitamin D is just one of the 17 Nutritional Supplement Superstars for Supporting Optimal Metabolic Function which Dr. Pescatore discusses in detail in his Metabolic Repair Protocol. Click here to learn much more about Dr. Pescatore’s powerful approach to getting your metabolic health back and reversing pre-diabetes.

Pioglitazone use in patients with diabetes and risk of bladder cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Cancer Management and Research
June 22, 2018