Your top five herbs for kicking cancer to the curb

Conventional doctors more often than not bring out the heavy artillery when it comes to fighting cancer. And this typically comes in the form of major surgery and/or highly toxic chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

So treating cancer with herbal remedies might seem like you’re trying to bring down Goliath with a peashooter.

But as research has shown us, that’s not the case. In fact, several herbal preparations are powerful enough to attack cancer in their own way, while also working in tandem with more conventional therapies.

In fact, certain herbs have been shown to not only boost the effectiveness of chemo and radiation, but also alleviate some of their most toxic (and uncomfortable) side effects.

An anti-inflammatory powerhouse

In the world of cancer-fighting herbals, an excellent place to start is with the delicious and widely available turmeric.

Turmeric is the main spice that gives curry dishes their pungent flavor and golden hue. This common spice contains the compound curcumin, which also has a long history of medical use.

Just last year, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published an article by the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine. Researchers reviewed curcumin’s impressive history, beginning with the first formal report of curcumin’s therapeutic potential, published in 1748. Since then, more than 11,000 publications have tracked curcumin research in treating many health issues, including cancer.

In a study that combined lab and animal tests, the UCSD team reported that curcumin “potently and specifically inhibits” an enzyme called DYRK2. This action promotes apoptosis (or cell death) of cancer cells, and curbs proliferation of several different cancers.

In Dr. Marc Micozzi’s Protocol for Eliminating Deadly Inflammation, he spotlights curcumin-rich turmeric, calling it an “anti-inflammatory powerhouse” with many anti-cancer effects.

“In fact,” he says, “this golden-yellow spice fights cancer cells as effectively as a dozen different cancer drugs. It works particularly well against breast and colon cancer, as well as melanoma.”

Aside from Indian cuisine, you can also use turmeric to give a healthy zing to soups, salads, meat, and vegetable dishes. But for a true therapeutic dose, Dr. Micozzi recommends 400 mg in supplement form, daily.

Sidelining harsh side effects

In Dr. Micozzi’s protocol, he highlights several other herbals that fight cancer by controlling toxic exposure and reducing inflammation.

“These approaches,” he says, “help reduce and counteract exposures to chemicals, medications, dyes, carcinogens, heavy metals, pesticides, and other environmental toxins.”

And he adds that herbal remedies can also play an “adjunct role” in making surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy more effective, while reducing many of their harsh side effects.

Believe it or not, black pepper is one of Dr. Micozzi’s top cancer-fighting picks. This kitchen staple is proven to reduce chronic inflammation and has several other anticancer activities. It also boosts the effectiveness of some cancer medications. “This finding,” Dr. Micozzi says, “suggests that cancer patients could potentially receive lower doses of toxic chemotherapy when given in combination with black pepper.”

Ginger root is another potent anti-inflammatory that packs an anticancer punch. And Dr. Micozzi notes that it also aids digestion, so it helps curb nausea and vomiting caused by chemo drugs. And he adds, “You can make fresh ginger root tea with lemon, honey (a healthy natural food that also reduces cancer cell proliferation), and other ingredients, all steeped in hot water.”

Next up: Licorice root, which has soothing, anti-inflammatory effects. It also detoxifies the liver, which Dr. Micozzi points out is your first line of defense against many dietary and environmental carcinogens. In addition, he adds, “It’s commonly found in Chinese herbal mixtures for treating cancer. The recommended dose is 10 mg, three times a day.”

And finally, grape seed extract actually outperforms some chemo drugs in killing cancer cells. And Dr. Micozzi offers a special note for those with recurring cancers: “It also inhibits cancer cells that have grown resistant to cancer drugs. Plus, unlike chemotherapy, it doesn’t harm your normal cells.” Dr. Micozzi recommends 300 mg per day.

Each one of these herbals offers a unique approach to cancer control, and all of them have excellent side benefits as well. You can find more information about brands and dosages for each one in the Resource Directory of Dr. Micozzi’s Protocol for Eliminating Deadly Inflammation, along with five more herbs that Dr. Micozzi strongly recommends for any battle with cancer.

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“Ancient drug curcumin impedes 26S proteasome activity by direct inhibition of dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase 2.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2018; 115(32): 8155-8160.