Rejuvenated, pain-free joints are as easy as A-B-C

Arthritis is more than just a battle with joint pain… It’s really a war against inflammation.

If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while now, you know that when inflammation is reduced, pain relief is sure to follow.

But when arthritis pain is chronic — as it so often is — then the use of anti-inflammatory medications becomes chronic too, setting up the potential for serious adverse effects over the long run.

But don’t worry — the ancient healers of India have you covered with a safe anti-inflammatory botanical that’s been soothing joint pain for thousands of years: Boswellia.

B is for boswellia — the relief and repair herb

Boswellia, also known as frankincense, has a long history of relieving pain and repairing  damaged cartilage.

In one study from the Academy of Medical Sciences in India, researchers divided 75 patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) into two groups to receive either a placebo or boswellia.

Participants who took a 250 mg daily dose of boswellia reported significant pain relief within just one week. And after 90 days, the supplement produced major improvements in physical function and pain scores.

In addition, those taking boswellia also experienced a considerable reduction in the synovial fluid enzyme that causes cartilage to deteriorate — a primary cause of knee OA pain.

Overall, inflammation was significantly reduced, pain levels dropped, and joint cartilage was protected from further damage.

Furthermore, in a 2015 meta-analysis published in the prestigious Cochrane Database System Review, researchers reported that boswellia reduced arthritis pain by an average of more than 40 percent. Plus, physical function improved by nearly 25 percent.

This is why Dr. Marc Micozzi has long included boswellia as the “B” in what he has coined as his “ABCs of Joint Health.” As he reinforces in his Protocol for Eliminating Deadly Inflammation, “reducing inflammation is the first step in achieving long-term relief from joint pain, as it allows your body to rebuild and maintain healthy cartilage, the material that cushions joints.”

And that’s exactly what boswellia does, especially when it’s combined with “A” and “C”ashwagandha and curcumin. “Taking these three herbs together,” he says, “magnifies their potency.”

A is for ashwaganda — the powerful adaptogen

Dr. Micozzi has seen remarkable results with his “ABCs” over the years. Some of his patients have even canceled knee replacement surgeries after supplementing with ashwagandha, boswellia, and curcumin for just a short period.

One grateful patient wrote to him and said, “I’d been living for four years with constant pain in both knees. Then came your nutrient recommendations. After only two months, I noticed a major improvement. The ligaments in my knees appear to have been restored. And I’m confident now that I’ll never need to have my knees replaced.”

Like boswellia, ashwagandha springs from Ayurveda — an ancient, natural healing system developed in India over 3,000 years ago.

Dr. Micozzi notes that ashwagandha is an adaptogen. That is, it helps your body adapt to internal and external changes. So if inflammation has turned your joints into burning infernos, ashwagandha works to cool them down and bring them back to health.

In one study, when researchers gave ashwagandha to animals with laboratory-induced arthritis, results showed a significant drop in C-reactive protein — a key inflammation biomarker that signals a loss of cartilage in arthritis patients.

Dr. Micozzi cites other animal studies that also show ashwagandha to be effective in reducing symptoms of gout and lupus.

C is for curcumin — the potent anti-inflammatory compound

Last but not least in Dr. Micozzi’s ABCs of Joint Health is curcumin — the active ingredient in the South Asian spice turmeric, and the compound responsible for turmeric’s bright yellow-orange color.

“Interestingly,” Dr. Micozzi notes, “many natural compounds with such bright, brilliant colors are frequently potent remedies. And these vibrant compounds have the ability to bind and alter plant and animal cells, which can also relate to their potency as a biologically active substances.

“Studies show that curcumin reduces joint inflammation, thereby reducing pain. It’s also a potent antioxidant that can cross the blood-brain barrier (the membrane that regulates which compounds reach the brain), reduce inflammation in the brain, and help prevent mental decline and dementia.”

Dr. Micozzi recommends 400 to 500 mg doses of each of his ABC herbs daily. And although they’re all fairly easy to find in pharmacies and health food stores, they’re also available combined into one formula, which removes some of the guesswork in the dosage. You can find more information about this formula in the Resource Directory of Dr. Micozzi’s Protocol for Eliminating Deadly Inflammation.

And now that you “know your ABCs,” Dr. Micozzi says, “Why settle for just managing joint pain with drugs, when you can reverse the cause of your joint pain — inflammation — with these three all-natural botanicals?”

Click here to discover other ways Dr. Micozzi’s Protocol for Eliminating Deadly Inflammation can help heal, reduce pain, and transform your health. Or click here to enroll and get started today.


“A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study of the efficacy and safety of 5-Loxin®for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee” Arthritis Research & Therapy 2008;10:R85.