Men, don’t be lured into using a popular (but deadly) type of birth control

About one in seven men in the U.S. has had a vasectomy — that’s about 24 million men. So you can be sure that at any given time, hundreds of thousands of men are also considering the procedure.

And for those contemplating getting a vasectomy, I have one word for you: Stop!

Certainly this form of birth control is convenient, but can also leave you wide open to a rare type of dementia and a very common and deadly form of cancer.

The serious side effects of “getting snipped”

Vasectomy appeals to a lot of men (and women), as it’s the ultimate in “get it and forget it” birth control. After the procedure, the chances of pregnancy are less than 1 percent.

In this quick, 30-minute outpatient procedure, a urologist blocks or cuts the tubes that supply sperm to semen. Ejaculation still occurs, but without the sperm cells necessary to fertilize an egg.

That’s the end of the story as far as conception goes, but it’s just the beginning of another story…

After a vasectomy, sperm cells are absorbed by the body. But now the immune system identifies these cells as invaders and produces specific antibodies to defend against them.

Scientists at Northwestern University believe that, in some men, those antibodies cross the blood-brain-barrier where they may cause damage that results in a highly unusual form of dementia called Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA).

In PPA, a patient struggles to express themselves and to understand the speech of others. These patients are functional in every other way, but their ability to communicate is greatly diminished.

To investigate the PPA link with vasectomy, the Northwestern team examined the medical history of 47 men with PPA and 57 men of the same age range (55 to 80) without cognitive impairment.

The non-impaired group consisted of 16 men who had received a vasectomy. In the PPA group, 40 men had undergone the procedure.

Most men who get vasectomies never develop PPA, but the Northwest research confirms previous indicators that the procedure appears to greatly increase the risk of this frightening type of dementia.

Unfortunately, we can’t say the same about a much clearer link between vasectomy and a very dangerous form of prostate cancer.

Backing up bodily fluids

For a vasectomy to cloud your mind and make you unable to communicate with your family and friends is sad beyond words.

But it could be worse. It could also end your life…

In the largest and most comprehensive study on the link between vasectomy and prostate cancer, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health filed their initial report in 1993, then conducted 19 years of follow-up.

In total, they followed nearly 50,000 participants in the Health Professionals Study who were 40 to 75 years old in 1986.

Dr. Marc Micozzi delves into this research in his Insider’s Ultimate Guide to Perfect Prostate Health.

He notes, “Old-time healers used to warn of the dangers of backing up bodily fluids. They said it causes a kind of ‘congestion,’ potentially leading to illness.

“But, of course, today’s urologists don’t want you to think in these terms. The money is just too good for them!”

Invasive and aggressive cancers

Regarding the study itself, Dr. Micozzi notes that the results linked vasectomy with an increased risk of the type of prostate cancer that turns men’s lives into nightmares.

And he clarifies, “This finding isn’t referring to the incidental, low-grade, ‘occult’ cancers that become increasingly common as men age. It’s referring to the real deal — the kind of prostate cancer that does invade, metastasize, and kill you.”

More specifically he says, men who had vasectomies were nearly 20 percent more likely to suffer lethal prostate cancer, and their risk of high-grade cancer was 22 percent higher.

Overall, their risk of advance-stage cancer was about 20 percent higher.

In addition, researchers looked at a subgroup of men whose doctors had intensively screened their PSA numbers, presumably because they were judged to be at higher risk of prostate cancer. In this group, men who had vasectomies were nearly 30 percent more likely to develop prostate cancer.

“Plus,” Dr. Micozzi says, “I found it even more disturbing that men in this subgroup had 56 percent increased risk of dying from prostate cancer.”

Don’t mess with Nature!

Dr. Micozzi notes that, normally, the “experts” at the National Cancer Institute would jump all over any factor that increased cancer mortality by a whopping 56 percent.

But not in this case. He says, “The researchers actually attempted to minimize their findings!

“They said they had no idea why vasectomy caused a markedly higher risk of serious prostate cancers. And urologists — who provide the vasectomies — were quick to counsel that they would not discourage men from paying to have vasectomies.”

Dr. Micozzi writes this off as just another example of how mainstream medicine ignores good, solid evidence because they don’t understand “the mechanism of action,” and runs counter to their lucrative practices.

“In my opinion,” Dr. Micozzi says, “it’s best not to mess with how Nature intended for men to be. Instead, seek less drastic, invasive options when it comes to family planning.”

This is the kind of sound, insightful advice you’ll find throughout Dr. Micozzi’s Insider’s Ultimate Guide to Perfect Prostate Health — in addition to everything you need to know about conquering prostate cancer, banishing an enlarged prostate, and maximizing your manhood naturally! Click here to find out more about this unique online learning tool, or to enroll today.


“Vasectomy May Put Men At Risk For Type Of Dementia” Science Daily, 2/14/07. (

“Vasectomy and Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer: A 24-Year Follow-Up Study” Journal of Clinical Oncology 2014; 32(27): 3033-3038. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2013.54.8446