The fatigue-fighting secret found within French oak trees

Whenever the medical mainstream is stumped about how to treat a condition, they’re more than happy to prescribe drugs, in a blind effort to treat any symptoms and hope for the best.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a perfect example.

Do you suffer from constant, daily fatigue — one that won’t go away even after plenty of sleep? Are you left feeling drained after completing small tasks or errands? Is it difficult for you to focus or remember things? Do you often have headaches, muscle aches, or joint pain?

If so, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from CFS.

And no amount of sleeping pills, antidepressants, or attention deficit disorder drugs are going to deliver relief. In fact, there’s a better chance they’ll make your situation worse.

Fortunately, for the millions of people who drag themselves through each day, wondering how they’ll summon the energy to do it all over again tomorrow, there is hope — and a reliable, non-drug treatment.

More to chronic fatigue than just fatigue

To most people, fatigue might not sound like a dire medical condition, because let’s face it — most of us feel tired throughout the day. But CFS is far more dangerous than most people realize. In fact, this condition increases risk of all mortality causes, especially suicide.

Dizziness, lightheadedness, and blurred vision are common in CFS — increasing the risk of falling and other accidents. And the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has linked CFS to higher risk of immune dysfunction and infection.

To help patients and doctors better identify the symptom of CFS, the IOM developed this six-point checklist. CFS symptoms include:

  1. Extreme fatigue that lasts more than six months, isn’t caused by excessive exertion, and can’t be alleviated with rest
  2. Inability to engage in common activities, such as occupational, educational, or social
  3. Extreme fatigue triggered by minor activity or exertion
  4. Sleep and rest bring no relief
  5. Brain fog or cognitive impairment are common
  6. Additional symptoms may include gastrointestinal distress, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, and sensitivity to external stimuli (such as bright light and noise)

In Dr. Fred Pescatore’s Pain-Free Life Protocol, he confirms that fatigue is just the tip of the iceberg with CFS. In fact, the pain that accompanies this condition is often debilitating. And sadly, the majority of CFS patients are struggling to function while going undiagnosed and untreated.

“Along with persistent fatigue,” Dr. Pescatore says, “symptoms of CFS often include muscle pain, joint pain, headache, irritable bowel syndrome (with its bloating and abdominal cramps) and sore throat.

“Add to that distressing list symptoms like insomnia (which increases sensitivity to pain), loss of memory and concentration, irritability, and mood swings.”

In short, this “condition” rivals the distress of many diseases and requires a more comprehensive approach than just trying out different drugs to see what “sticks.”

“Common oak” for uncommon relief

Many CFS patients find relief through alternative treatments like acupuncture, therapeutic massage, yoga, and meditation. And you can read more information about all of these and other effective pain relief techniques in Dr. Pescatore’s Pain-Free Life Protocol.

But along with those mind-body interventions, Dr. Pescatore recommends a supplement for CFS that most conventional doctors are unaware of. It’s called Robuvit® — a patented extract from French oak trees known as Quercus robur, or “common oak.”

Dr. Pescatore notes that these trees are used to make wine-aging barrels because the wood enhances the flavor of wine. This is probably due to a type of flavonoid in the wood called roburins, which also appears to be the component responsible for CFS relief.

Dr. Pescatore explains: “Researchers think roburins might actually change the function of ribosomes, our bodies’ cellular protein factories. Robuvit® has been standardized to contain 20 percent roburins. And that reliable delivery of ribosome-reviving roburins is a big reason why scientific studies are showing Robuvit® is so good at fighting fatigue and pain.”

Your all-natural remedy to enhance energy and reduce pain

Dr. Pescatore describes one of those studies in his protocol. Researchers gave 91 CFS patients 100 mg of Robuvit® per day. After six months, the participants reported significant reductions in these symptoms:

  • Joint pain: 51 percent
  • Dizziness: 38 percent
  • Headaches: 33 percent
  • Short-term memory impairment: 29 percent
  • Exhaustion and weakness: 18 percent

The participants in this study also showed a reduction in emotional pain, with a considerable number saying they identified with positive words like active and happy, rather than negatives like grouchy or sad.

Dr. Pescatore notes that Robuvit® may also help relieve other pain-related conditions, such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy and restless legs syndrome. That’s why he says, “I recommend 300 mg of Robuvit® daily — an amount you’re likely to find ‘just right’ for enhancing energy and reducing pain.”

You can find Dr. Pescatore’s specific Robuvit® recommendations in the Pain-Free Life Protocol’s Resource Directory. To learn more about the ways that Robuvit® and other natural supplements can help you achieve relief from a wide range of painful conditions, refer to Dr. Pescatore’s Pain-Free Life Protocol.

Click here to find out more about this unique pain relief protocol, or to enroll today.


“Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome — IOM 2015 Diagnostic Criteria” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7/12/18. (