For better health, give your brain and heart a SHOCK

The body is truly a miraculous creation. You were built to heal and protect yourself from an array of elements and invaders.

I was recently reading about one way in particular that the body protects itself, and it was fascinating! In fact, it’s a phenomenon that occurs in all plant and animal species known to man…

It happens when your body is exposed to stressful conditions such as extreme heat or cold. As a result, your cells are “shocked” into automatically mounting a protective response by producing heat shock proteins (HSPs).

And this research found that you can actually harness the power of these “heat shock proteins” to preserve the health of both your heart and your precious brain cells, all while lowering your risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

I’ll tell you exactly how you can activate your HSPs, but first, let’s talk a little bit more about why they’re so important.

Your body’s team of emergency responders

Your HSPs act like “first responders” — they show up during a crisis (such as your body overheating) to help curb any harmful effects and to also stabilize your proteins.

One of these stabilization techniques is preventing dangerous bodily proteins from the clustering — proteins like beta amyloid in the brain, a contributor to Alzheimer’s.

They have also been found to prevent the onset and progression of atrial fibrillation — more commonly known as an irregular heartbeat, a condition that can be triggered by underlying heart conditions including heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure.

The health boosting benefits of saunas

To further illustrate the potential HSPs can have on both brain and heart health, Dr. Fred Pescatore highlights two revealing sauna studies in his Drug-Free Protocol for Reversing Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

In the first, researchers in Finland found that people who used saunas two or three times a week had lower rates of Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and sudden cardiac death compared to people who rarely used saunas.

In a follow-up study, the same researchers recruited more than 100 adults with heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure and obesity. Each participant took part in a 30-minute sauna session.

When researchers analyzed measurements taken before and after sauna sessions, they observed three major beneficial effects:

  1. Arteries became more elastic, which helped control blood pressure.
  2. Blood pressure dropped by seven points, which reduced risk of adverse cardio events.
  3. Heart rate increased from 65 to 81 beats per minute, which boosted oxygen flow.

The researchers noted that the intense sauna heat also relaxed the blood vessels. This produced a calming effect on the body, and as a result, reduced the levels of heart- and brain-damaging stress hormones.

As Dr. Pescatore points out, a sauna is a perfect HSP generator, with top temperatures ranging from about 175 degrees Fahrenheit to more than 200 degrees.

Another way to boost your HSPs — without heat

But if you don’t have easy access to a sauna, there’s another way you can experience the protective effects of initiating your HSP production. It’s a supplement called enzyme-treated asparagus extract, or ETAS.

Dr. Pescatore explains, “[ETAS] contains compounds that trigger your body to release HSP. In other words, ETAS boosts your body’s supply of HSPs — unleashing the relaxing, sleep-promoting, anti-aging benefits they provide.

“But there’s more. Research shows that HSPs might directly protect you against Alzheimer’s — reducing the formation of the plaques and tangles associated with the disease, stopping the ability of these toxic proteins to overtake the rest of your brain, and reducing oxidation.”

And the latest research backs this up. In his Drug-Free Protocol for Reversing Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Dr. Pescatore cites an analysis of 40 investigations that focused on particularly on the link between Alzheimer’s and HSPs.

According to Dr. Pescatore, the researchers’ concluded that: “Heat shock proteins help the body deal with the root causes of the loss of cognitive function in Alzheimer’s disease — damaged proteins, plaque buildup, synapse dysfunction, and more.”

Treat your brain to a rejuvenating sleep

ETAS provides another huge benefit: This supplement helps you achieve quality sleep.

And this is especially important for those dealing with cognitive deficits or dementia because as Dr. Pescatore points out, a good night’s sleep can have a major positive effect on your brain.

To illustrate this, he cites a recent study from Harvard Medical school where a team analyzed about 20 years of sleep and heart health data from over 300 participants. They found that every 1 percent reduction in sleep time boosted Alzheimer’s risk by 9 percent!

This is where ETAS can make a big difference.

“In one study,” Dr. Pescatore says, “people who took ETAS for four weeks reported feeling less tired and ‘heavy.’ If you’ve ever struggled with poor sleep, you can probably relate to that description. ETAS also made it easier for people to get out of bed in the morning, which suggests it improved sleep quality.”

Best of all, ETAS produces these sleep benefits safely — in stark contrast to the dangerous brain-altering effects of Big Pharma’s popular sleep aids.

Dr. Pescatore recommends 400 mg of ETAS each night, about 20 minutes before bedtime because, as he puts it, “A good night’s sleep is key to good health — and a healthy brain.”

Dr. Pescatore details many more helpful recommendations for preserving both your brain and heart health in order to avoid cognitive decline in his Drug-Free Protocol for Reversing Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Click here to learn more about this comprehensive approach or to get started right away.


“Sauna exposure leads to improved arterial compliance: Findings from a non-randomised experimental study.” European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 2018; 25(2): 130-138.

“β-Amyloid accumulation in the human brain after one night of sleep deprivation.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018; 115(7): 4483-4488.

“The protective role of small heart shock proteins in cardiac diseases; key role in atrial fibrillation.” Cell Stress and Chaperones, 2017; (22(11): 665-674.