Build yourself a better brain with this easy DIY technique

Your brain isn’t the same today as it was yesterday, and it won’t be the same tomorrow…

That’s because the actual structure of your brain changes as you learn and do new things.

This effect is known as neuroplasticity, an ability you can use to significantly improve your memory and prevent cognitive decline.

What’s more, is that it’s easy and fun!

Creating deep pathways in your brain

If you’ve ever learned to play a musical instrument, you might recall how difficult it was at first… You had to learn to read sheet music, figure out where to put your fingers, and determine how to achieve certain types of sounds.

And as is the case with most new skills, with a little practice (and patience), you were soon able to play a song without thinking too much about all of the moving parts.

That’s neuroplasticity at work. Your brain literally changes to accommodate learning. And you can strategically harness this function to boost your brain power, especially as you grow older.

Jim Donovan is a professional musician, therapeutic researcher, and teacher who has studied the factors at work in neuroplasticity. He recently incorporated some of these concepts into rhythm-based learning exercises in his Sound Mind Protocol.

Jim explains that each time you repeat a new activity, you strengthen the connections between your brain’s nerve cells (or neurons).

These collective connections between neurons (known as neural pathways) are what your brain uses to change and grow.

And your body also plays a big role in helping your brain grow, too…

As Jim explains, “The more new learning [that] involves moving your body, the more it helps generate new connections between different parts of your nervous system.”

In essence, the more of your body that’s involved in the learning of something new, the better it is for your brain.

Jim also points out that these pathways are strengthened through regular repetition. The more you repeat a pattern, the “deeper” the pathway gets, and the easier it becomes for you to remember it.

“Anyone,” Jim says, “can use rhythm to begin sharpening their brain.”

Engaging your senses to strengthen connections

If you’re like me, you’ve probably noticed your memory gets a little foggy sometimes, or just outright fails from time to time. This seems like a normal part of aging, but Jim notes that it doesn’t have to be this way.

In fact, he believes that with a little effort, you can delay and even reverse your memory loss!

In his unique Sound Mind Protocol, Jim has designed a set of exercises he calls Neuro-Rhythm Brain Builders, specifically for this purpose.

Jim says, “The more learning involves other senses—like touch, sight and sound—the stronger these new connections between different parts of your nervous system become.”

These Brain Builders are enjoyable rhythm-based exercises that mimic the effects of simple drumming. And you can enjoy all the benefits, without ever needing to learn how to play music. You don’t even need a drum!

Jim stresses that anyone can practice these exercises—and anyone can gain the benefits, at any age.

Protecting your brain at your own pace

The patterns and movements of Jim’s Neuro-Rhythm Brain Builder exercises have been designed specifically to tap into your body’s natural response to recurring patterns.  Stimulating this response can help you:

  • Boost focus
  • Build new neural connections
  • Protect against neurodegeneration
  • Strengthen motor skills

Jim points out that these exercises can give you three times the brain-building potential, especially since it utilizes three of your five senses: sound, sight, and touch.

These will also help you challenge your mind… but at your own pace. He says, “By repeating the specialized brain builder patterns, you’ll use your mind and body to develop and strengthen new neural connections that help you to sharpen your mind.”

“I created the Sound Mind Protocol to unlock the full potential of your brain for a happy and healthy life.”

Jim’s protocol also includes step-by-step video instruction on the 5 Core Skills for Unlocking Peak Brain Abilities. “Each of these skills,” he explains, “are your birthright, and yet, it’s likely that no one has shown you how to use them.

If you want to learn how to accelerate your mental ability, while also protecting yourself from cognitive decline, Jim Donovan’s Sound Mind Protocol is for you.

Simply click here to learn more about this special online tool, or to learn how you can get started today.


“Adult Neurogenesis” Queensland Brain Institute, 3/14/18. (