Why this “memory erosion” preventative is worth its weight in gold

Who doesn’t want to protect their brain from cognitive decline?

Fortunately, you can take steps—starting today—that will not only help you avoid the cruel fate of dementia, but can actually improve your mental state, and even brighten your mood.

The secret to this rejuvenation of mental clarity can be found in an exotic spice that’s been used and studied by both healers and cooks for thousands of years.

The spice is turmeric—the ingredient that gives curry its golden-yellow appearance and pungent flavor. And the invaluable compound that makes turmeric both delicious and therapeutic is curcumin—a true tonic for the health of your brain.

Alzheimer’s risk factors erased!

And there’s a wealth of reputable research to support curcumin’s brain-boosting benefits.

In fact, certified health coach and best-selling author Bill Gottlieb highlights a remarkable UCLA trial that demonstrates just how effective curcumin can be in supporting clear thinking and sharp memory.

The UCLA team recruited 40 middle-aged and older people, all in good health. They were then divided into two groups; one group took a curcumin supplement two times daily, while the other took a placebo.

Prior to any supplementation, researchers scored the participants’ ability to recall memorized words and images. And brain scans were conducted in each volunteer to assess any presence of amyloid plaques and tau tangles—two key biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease.

Eighteen months later, researchers repeated the memory tests and brain scans.

Bill sums up the impressive results. Of the curcumin group: “First, their memory had significantly improved. As an added benefit, their moods improved significantly, too.

“Meanwhile, the folks on the placebo had little change in either memory or mood.

“And the brain scans of those taking curcumin were promising as well. Compared to the beginning of the study, they had less amyloid and less tau. And that decrease was specifically seen in the amygdala and the hippocampus—the areas of the brain that control your memory, decision-making, and emotions.”

And again—as with the memory testing—there were no changes in the brain scans of placebo group participants.

Bill puts it into perspective like this: “For those taking curcumin, a risk factor for Alzheimer’s was literally erased!”

Benefits go far beyond Alzheimer’s defense

The fact that 18 months of curcumin use can actually cut back on amyloid and tau might seem like some kind of mental magic. But as scientists have discovered over the past few years, amyloid and tau aren’t the only villains in the Alzheimer’s drama.

Bill reveals the additional cognitive benefits curcumin provides. This compound can:

  • Decrease neuro-inflammation (which Bill says “may be the driving force behind the development of dementia.”)
  • Help reverse the signs and symptoms of old age
  • Lower levels of toxic metals in the brain that may contribute to Alzheimer’s
  • Reduce biomarkers of aging
  • Reduce damage to neural synapses, the pathways of communication between brain cells
  • Slow oxidative damage to neurons

In addition to stopping what Bill calls “memory erosion,” he notes that curcumin has also been shown to be very effective in promoting overall health.

Curcumin has been found to:

  • Alleviate congestion and help breathing during hay fever
  • Ease depression
  • Help slow chronic gum disease
  • Improve blood flow to the heart
  • Improve symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome and stop ulcerative colitis flare-ups
  • Improve urinary symptoms in men with enlarged prostate (also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH)
  • Prevent prediabetes from advancing to diabetes
  • Reduce the risk of colon cancer in people with a family history of the disease
  • Relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Treat fatty liver disease, which can develop into cirrhosis and liver cancer

In short, Bill says that, just like turmeric’s color, “this supplement is worth its weight in gold.”

Boost your curcumin bioavailability

Although curcumin comes with a wealth of benefits, there is one catch…

Bill cautions that the curcumin found in turmeric is poorly absorbed by your body, so you’d have to consistently eat large portions of the spice to get a beneficial effect. That’s why scientists have responded by creating supplement formulations that improve absorption.

For instance, the UCLA team used one of these formulations in their study—a brand called Theracurmin®, at a dose of 180 mg daily.

“Personally,” Bill adds, “I switched from another curcumin supplement to Theracurmin® after the study came out—because the researchers also conducted a study of ‘bioavailability,’ which showed that it was about 5 times more bioavailable than the brand I’d currently been taking!”

Bill says he takes the 180 mg daily dose of Theracurmin®, and he advises his older clients to do the same. But given the vast benefits of this nutrient, it appears that just about anyone could use a little more curcumin in their lives.

Bill provides more information about highly absorbable curcumin formulations and where to find them in the Resource Directory of his Essential Age-Eraser Protocol. In addition, you’ll find many more of the longevity secrets and strategies Bill shares with his clients for a lifetime of health, energy, and happiness.

Click here to learn more about Bill’s one-of-a-kind protocol, or to embrace vitality and begin erasing age from your life today.