Coronavirus: Two of the biggest myths debunked

One thing we can all agree on about the coronavirus—it’s been hard to get a handle on this seemingly shape-shifting disease.

Every week brings new revelations and it’s hard to decipher the facts versus the fiction.

Which is exactly why I’m debunking two of the biggest coronavirus myths today. Plus, I’ll show you how to naturally boost your immune system during this difficult time.

Busting the two biggest coronavirus myths

Two persistent COVID-19 myths need to be soundly debunked…

Myth One: Coronavirus is no more deadly than the flu.

The CDC combines flu-and pneumonia-related deaths to get their total number of “yearly flu deaths.”

In recent years, this combined total ranges from 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the United States. But according to a MedPage Today report, “CDC statisticians boost the number to account for perceived under-testing, hospitals’ record-keeping lapses, and flawed death certificates.”

So—for those very same reasons—you can assume that whatever today’s report is for coronavirus-related deaths, the true number is likely quite a bit higher.

Doctors insist that you can get a better idea of the scope of the pandemic with the actual death records. For instance, raw CDC data from New York City (between February 1 and April 18) reports 619 deaths related to the seasonal flu, while 5,870 died due to COVID-19 complications.

According to researchers tracking these statistics, “Conditions on the ground do not support statistics that suggest that seasonal influenza has killed approximately the same if not many more Americans than COVID-19.”

Myth Two: The elderly are at greatest risk.

According to UK doctor Rohin Francis, this is “the most appalling COVID-19 lie.”

Although risk rises with increasing age, the true risk is among people with pre-existing medical conditions—especially respiratory and metabolic dysfunction like diabetes.

But as Francis points out, about one in five COVID-19 patients develop a severe infection that requires hospitalization, and out of that group, about a quarter require intensive care. And the average age of that group is 60.

That means, of course, that many patients under 60 are also ending up in the intensive care unit.

So, no matter what your age, it’s critical to take the necessary steps to protect yourself. And that starts with focusing on your immune system.

Making your immune system the best it can be

Strengthening your immune system is the best way to fight off any virus. And in Dr. Marc Micozzi’s view, a strong immune defense starts with a sound diet.

That means you need a good balance of whole, fresh foods—with a minimum of processed foods. And to that Dr. Micozzi adds: “Cut the sugar.”

In his Breathe Better Lung Health Protocol, Dr. Micozzi warns that your immune system functions poorly for up to four hours after drinking a sugary beverage.

So be sure to stay hydrated (which also supports your immune system), but don’t do it with soft drinks or any other beverages with added sugars.

Dr. Micozzi also strongly recommends taking immune-boosting supplements in the following daily doses:

• Vitamin B complex—with at least 12 mcg of B12 and 200 mcg of folate
• Vitamin D—10,000 IU (equal to 250 mcg)
• Magnesium—400 mg
• Selenium—200 mcg
• Vitamin E—50 IU (35 to 45 mg daily—as mixed tocopherols)
• Zinc—35 mg

In Dr. Micozzi’s Breathe Better Lung Health Protocol he offers several additional strategies that are proven to bolster your immune defense and protect your lungs against any viral invader.

Click here to learn more about this essential protocol, or to find out how to get started right away.



“CDC confirms six new coronavirus symptoms that are showing up in patients over and over” Seattle Times, 4/27/20. (

“COVID-19 No Worse Than the Flu? Hardly” MedPage Today, 4/27/20. (

“The Most Appalling COVID-19 Lie” MedPage Today, 4/1/20. (