Breathe Better Lung Health Protocol Course Summary

The deadly mistruths around lung cancer are the reason it remains the deadliest cancer both in the U.S. and abroad.

And its death toll leads the pack by a lot – killing more people than the next 3 deadliest cancers combined. 

That’s why Dr. Micozzi has created the Breathe Better Lung Health Protocol.

It’s over 2.5 hours of material presented in Dr. Micozzi’s own words and broken down into 23 easy-to-follow lessons.

In this interactive learning protocol you’ll get full details on…

  • Lung cancer’s “Kryptonite:” In one stunning animal study, this South Pacific breakthrough had a 99% success rate!
  • The groundbreaking lung cancer screening you won’t hear about from your doctor—it could take 5-year survival rates from 5-50% to more than 90%!
  • How weak lungs multiply your risk of early death– and make you five times more likely to suffer a heart attack…plus what you can do to strengthen your lungs today
  • The 2-second secret that cuts chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) flare-ups nearly in half
  • The hidden culprit behind lung diseases – even in non-smokers 
  • The safe, drug-free treatment that kicks coughing and shortness of breath to the curb
  • The double purple solution that fights the flu as well as Tamiflu, and more. 

It’s the end result of 40 years’ worth of study and research. Research Dr. Micozzi has conducted around the world… With everyone from tribal shamans, to Nobel laureates, to U.S. Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop himself.

He’s seen the evidence that these techniques and therapies can give thousands of patients additional options to painful, expensive, and often ineffective treatments.

And now, you don’t have to be a medical student at an Ivy League school to gain access to this life-changing information… because he’s explaining it all using a simple, interactive, online learning format.

This unique design allows you to start and stop the protocol whenever you want…so you can learn at your own pace. Even ask specific questions about what you’re learning.

The protocol also comes with 7 free online reports. You can download and print them at any time. These reports highlight the most important points of each lesson as well as additional research and recommendations.

Ready to enroll? Click here.