The No. 1 food that increases risk of heart disease

Pop quiz: What type of food increases your risk of heart disease and heart attack? I’d almost guarantee that nine out of 10 people would answer that question with “saturated fat,” or some other equally incorrect answer, like “cholesterol” or “meat.” Which means most people are failing to protect themselves from the No. 1 food […]

The 10 REAL heart disease risks you need to know. (Cholesterol isn’t one of them.)

Has your doctor ever tried to coax you into taking a statin drug to lower cholesterol? They probably mentioned the results of a study or tossed out a scary statistic to convince you of the “benefits” from statin use. This is a favorite tactic of mainstream docs. And, unfortunately, there’s a new study they’re likely […]

Burn off belly fat with this kitchen staple

If you’re looking to lose weight AND melt stores of fat (particularly those stubborn belly rolls), there’s one secret weapon that can aid in your quest. And the best part is, it may already be in your kitchen cabinet. I’m talking about one of the most versatile, natural ingredients out there: coconut oil. But while […]

This blood pressure warning affects millions!

Controlling blood pressure (BP) may be the most important step you can take in preventing heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Unfortunately, some doctors take it to the extreme by doling out multiple prescriptions for a variety of blood pressure drugs. As new research shows, this willingness to over-prescribe — also known as “polypharmacy” — […]

The solution to chronic pain is on your dinner plate

As the old saying goes, “You are what you eat.” And it couldn’t be truer. For better or worse, your diet affects how you look, how you function, and especially how you feel. In fact, research shows that certain foods contribute to chronic pain. And ironically, some of those foods are considered “comfort foods.” But […]

THIS “health” food can damage your muscles and bones

If you’re a menopausal woman who wants to keep her bones strong, I have a very important recommendation: Completely ignore this recent study from the University of Columbia (UC). The results of the study may seemingly make perfect sense, but they actually add up to a higher — not lower — risk of fractures. How […]

The BEST vitamin for preventing type 2 diabetes

There’s a good chance you’re among the millions of people deficient in this one major nutrient. And that deficiency might be sending you on the fast track to metabolic dysfunction and possibly type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, some new research provides fresh insight into this problem and underlines why it’s so important to take immediate steps […]

Reduce your risk of liver cancer by banishing this popular drug

There’s no better time than the present to protect yourself against liver cancer. While death rates of common cancers have dropped since 2003, rates of liver cancer continue to climb. And this is an all-out emergency because just 17 percent of patients survive longer than five years. There are several reasons why liver cancer is […]

Save your eyesight with THIS essential step

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has tormented humans for eons, but in the 21st century, we have a new risk factor for this disease. It’s huge, it’s dangerous, and you’re looking at it right now. New evidence shows every minute our eyes are exposed to the short-wavelength blue light emitted from screens is a minute too […]

The strange healing technique that requires almost zero effort

What would you think if I told you there was an easy, drug-free way to: significantly reduce stress, lower your blood pressure, improve your mood, enjoy a better night’s sleep, and generally improve your health in half a dozen other ways? You’d probably wonder, “What’s the catch?” I assure you, there is none. In fact, […]