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Dr. Pescatore’s Essential Guide to Combating Inflammation
Dr. Pescatore’s Essential Guide to Combating Inflammation
How to fight the stealth culprit behind premature aging, chronic pain, and deadly disease—safely and naturally
How to fight the stealth culprit behind premature aging, chronic pain, and deadly disease—safely and naturally

Stunning research suggests battling chronic inflammation is the closest thing to a silver bullet we have against chronic disease

And it could be the missing puzzle piece to fighting cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and premature aging.

While most doctors are still scrambling to catch up, one revolutionary doctor has already been doing this for years. His name is Fred Pescatore, M.D., and reversing deadly inflammation is a keystone of his practice.

Through his non-stop research and network of medical connections across the world, Dr. Pescatore hears about the most groundbreaking natural discoveries and inflammation-balancing techniques as they happen…

Sometimes decades before they trickle out to the mainstream.

Now Dr. Pescatore has combined complete details on all of his best inflammation-extinguishing strategies into his Essential Guide to Combatting Inflammation: How to Fight the Stealth Culprit Behind Premature Aging, Chronic Pain, and Deadly Disease – Safely and Naturally.

In this unique protocol, you’ll discover comprehensive information that can help you tame chronic inflammation, including…

  • The seldom-run blood tests that detect deadly inflammation
  • The “inflammation eliminator” that slashed the risk of at least 19 different types of cancers studied…
  • The supercharged liquid heart armorthat helps tame hard-to-reach inflammation inside the heart…
  • The green wonder that negated the inflammatory effects of eating a mega-sized burger – and helps reduce dangerous belly fat and fight diabetes…
  • The safe, natural anti-inflammatory oil that douses chronic pain (70% of older patients felt symptom relief in a study of 204 patients)
  • The “grandma’s candy” secret that tackles heartburn, indigestion, and other signs of gut inflammation.
  • And so much more!

Dr. Pescatore’s Essential Guide to Combatting Inflammation delivers 25 easy-to-follow lessons (nearly 3 full hours) of groundbreaking information on natural solutions that have been shown to help heal chronic inflammation, stop and prevent disease, promote longevity, and help people enjoy their best health yet.

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